- For different numbers, you can set a different volume for an incoming call. If the sound is disabled, then the program will turn on the sound in your phone and this contact will always be able to call you.
- Fast outgoing calls to messengers.
- Ability to show text notes for numbers when an incoming call.
- Black List. This contact will always see "LINE BUSY".
- To move the database to another phone: copy the "ContactNotes" folder to another phone.
The application requires permission:
1. Access to SMS, call lists, receive phone information (READ_CALL_LOG, READ_PHONE_STATE) - Required to get a list of incoming, outgoing, missed calls (numbers) and adding these numbers to the database for future use:
1.1. Determining a contact by incoming number and displaying notes for this contact.
1.2. Controlling the phone volume for this contact, if the sound in the phone is turned off, then the program will turn on the sound in the phone and this contact will always be able to call you.
1.3 Blocking a number if the number is blacklisted.
2. Access for phone calls (CALL_PHONE) - Required for a quick phone call using the button on the contact.
3. Access to get a list of contacts (READ_CONTACTS) - Required to get a list of contacts and add the Name, Number, Photo of the contact to the database, for future use, as it is written in the paragraphs: 1.1., 1.2., 1.3..
All data received in paragraphs 1. ,2. ,3. located and used only on your mobile device and are not sent anywhere.
The database is stored in the phone’s internal memory in the "ContactNotes" folder.
To move the database to another phone: copy the ContactNotes folder to another phone.
To delete the entire database, delete the ContactNotes folder from the phone’s internal memory.
-黑名单。此联系人将始终看到“ LINE BUSY”。
-要将数据库移动到另一部手机:将“ ContactNotes”文件夹复制到另一部手机。
3.访问以获取联系人列表(READ_CONTACTS)-需要获取联系人列表并将联系人的姓名,电话号码和照片添加到数据库中,以备将来使用,如以下段落所述:1.1。, 1.2。,1.3 ..
第1、2段中收到的所有数据。 ,3。只能在您的移动设备上使用,并且不会发送到任何地方。
该数据库存储在手机的“ ContactNotes”文件夹中。